• Student Support Services offers different levels of support for student mental health.


    Cal Hope  - All California families with kids, teens, and young adults ages 0-25 free one-on-one support with a live wellness coach, a library of multimedia resources, wellness exercises, and peer communities moderated by trained behavioral health professionals to ensure content is appropriate and safe for all users.    Brightlife Kids and Soluna.

    Care Solace Referrals - a referral to our partner, Care Solace will connect you and your family to a mental health counseling provider or behavioral therapy provider.  

    Hazel Health Currently being piloted at Parks, Rolling Hills & MyConnect Academy, this mental health virtual platform is being offered to K-8 students.  All 20 sites will have this opportunity in the fall.  All students will have access to mental health supports via Hazel during the summer. 

    Mental Health Associates (TK - 6) & Mental Health Counseling Specialists (Junior High)  -  Each school has a Mental Health Associate/Counseling Specialist who can provide individual or group counseling through a school-based referral with parent permission, or through IEP. 

    Mental Health Associates also conduct suicide risk assessments and threat assessments for students. In addition to providing mental health support to students in the event of a school or community crisis, our Mental Health Associates/Counseling Specialists also provide suicide risk assessments and threat assessments for at-risk students, and provide follow-up support through mental wellness checks, outside referrals and consultation with outside providers.

    Our mental health team can also provide lunch bunch groups, social skills groups and classroom lessons on behavior, coping strategies and behavior regulation.

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  • Care Solace
  • Hazel Health