For more information, please contact:Vickie VasquezAccounting and Budget SpecialistPhone 714.447.7419Fax 714.447.2838
Developer fees are paid on new construction that exceeds 500 square feet. The fee payment process is administered through Fullerton Joint Union High School District (FJUHSD). Fees are currently $4.08 a square foot for residential construction and $0.66 a square foot for commercial construction. Details of the FJUHSD payment process can be found here.
Mello Roos fees
Mello Roos Fees are paid on 1,129 parcels in the Amerige Height development and 91 parcels in the Van Daele development. These fees are paid along with property taxes but remain stable over time – they do not increase like property taxes. More detail about the specific addresses, sums due and duration of the fees can be found here.
Measure CC
In March 2002 a special election of registered voters of the District approved the issuance of $49,700,000 of general obligation bond debt, to finance construction of new facilities, to renovate and improve existing schools and to fund a portion of the cost of the construction of Fisler elementary school. The debt has been refinanced several times to take advantage of improved interest rates. All funds raised have now been expended and disclosure information regarding the issued debt can be found at the Electronic Municipal Market Access system “EMMA”.
Credit rating
The District has been assigned the following credit rating by the three major rating agencies:
Moodys: Aa3 (confirmed rate August 2021)
S&P: A+ (confirmed rate September 2019)
Fitch: AA- (confirmed rate February 2022)
Enrollment projections
The District works with an outside demographer to create enrollment projections for future years. Information about building development in the City which may impact enrollment can be found on the City of Fullerton website here.