    The Board of Education is the educational policy-making body for the District. To meet the District’s challenges effectively, the Board and Superintendent must function together as a leadership team. To ensure unity among team members, effective operating procedures, or protocols, must be in place. There are general protocols and those that are specific for the Board and Superintendent.
    The Board and Superintendent will:
    Be dedicated to make all other members of the team successful.
    Operate in an honorable and honest manner dedicated to the success of the students and staff of the District.
    Be treated with dignity and respect.



      • Board Members will:
        Work with members of the Board and the Superintendent to become a governing board devoted to students.
        Focus on policy-making, planning and evaluation for student success.
        Recognize that the Board makes decisions as a whole only at properly scheduled meetings and that individual members have no authority to take individual action in policy or District and campus administrative matters.
        The Board President and the Superintendent, as Secretary to the Board, shall work together to develop the agenda for each regular and special meeting. 
        A Board member will need a second to approve an item, with exception of the President (BB 9322)
        Respect and honor the right of individual members to express opposing viewpoints and vote their convictions.
        Attend regularly scheduled Board meetings unless a situation occurs that makes attendance impossible.
        Cooperate in scheduling Special meetings and/or work sessions for planning and training purposes.
        Acknowledge that two Board Members must agree before an item is placed on a meeting agenda. Individual requests for reports, projects, etc., will be directed only to the Superintendent.
        Uphold the legal requirement for confidentiality on all matters arising from Board Meeting closed sessions; will keep all conversations taking place in closed session absolutely confidential.
        Recognize and respect the Superintendent’s responsibility to manage the District and to direct employees in District and campus matters.
        Understand the Superintendent’s role to make personnel recommendations and changes in consultation with the Board.
        Participate in establishing annual expectations and goals for the Superintendent.
        Objectively evaluate the Superintendent’s performance and provide appropriate feedback.
        Participate in self-assessment of the Board’s performance.
        Communicate directly with the Superintendent when staff, students, parents, or community members raise a question or concern.
        Communicate directly with the Superintendent prior to Board Meetings to address questions and/or concerns about agenda items; honor the “no surprises” rule.
        Communicate one-on-one with the Superintendent when an individual concern arises; will not allow a matter to fester.
        Cast a vote on all matters except when a conflict of interest arises.
        Recognize the individual role of constituents and special interest groups while understanding the importance of using one’s best judgment to represent members of the community.
        As time permits, visit school sites and attend school functions, but avoid interrupting instruction or interrupting employees at work.
        Represent the District, when possible, by attending community functions.



      • Superintendent will:
        Work toward creating a team with the Board dedicated to students.
        Respect and acknowledge the Board’s role in setting policy and overseeing the performance of the Superintendent.
        Work with the Board to establish a clear vision for the District.
        Prepare preliminary goals annually for the Board’s consideration.
        Provide data to the Board Members so data-driven decisions can be made.
        Have a working knowledge of all legal and local policies.
        Make personnel recommendations and changes in consultation with the Board.
        Inform the Board prior to critical information becoming public.
        Distribute information fully and equally to all Board Members.
        Communicate with Board Members promptly and effectively.
        Distribute the Board Agenda in a timely fashion and with enough time for Board study, and clarify information prior to scheduled meetings.
        Respect the confidentiality requirement of Board Meeting closed sessions; keep all conversations taking place in closed session strictly confidential.
        Treat all Board Members professionally.
        Communicate with individual Board Members to determine if concerns exist prior to a possible problem developing.
        Conduct a self-assessment prior to the Board’s evaluation of the Superintendent’s job performance.
        Bring to the attention of the Board matters that affect relationships.
        Visit school campuses regularly.
        Represent the District by being visible in the community.