• Welcome to Fullerton School District's Child Welfare and Attendance Department!
    Child Welfare and Attendance is a specialized student support service that covers compliance with compulsory education laws, student admission and enrollment procedures, student discipline procedures, transfers to alternative programs, and school climate and safety. Child welfare and attendance combines the knowledge and skill of counseling with knowledge of education and the law to resolve complicated situations involving school choice, student discipline, campus safety, and programs for high-risk youth.
    Contact Us
    Helene Morris, Ed.D., NBCT  Director of Administrative Services  714-447-7528    helene_morris@myfsd.org
    Alma Caballero  Administrative Specialist  714-447-7529 alma_caballero@myfsd.org
    Araceli Belloso  SARB/SSOAR   714-446-1067
    Paola Gomez  Community Liaison  714-447-7576  paola_gomez@myfsd.org