• Welcome to the Benefits Department website. Our department coordinates and administers medical, pharmacy, dental, vision, and life insurance plans, as well as flexible spending and dependent care accounts for eligible employees and dependents. Provides information to employees about Employee Assistance Programs, third party union approved disability insurance, and other resources available to staff.

    Benefits Staff
    Andrea Lopez
    Employee Benefits Program Coordinator
    Information regarding employee health benefits, dependent coverage,
    benefit providers/billing, open enrollment, retiree benefits, COBRA, third party vendor administration
    Phone: (714) 447-2834  /  Fax (714) 447-7538 
    Jenny Morgan
    Employee Benefits Technician
    Information regarding employee health benefits, dependent coverage, open enrollment, COBRA
    (714) 447-7420 / Fax (714) 447-7538
    • If you would like to schedule a meeting 
      to discuss your benefit options and/or cost,
      please click on the icon below 
      ***Please note, no appointments will be available during Open Enrollment.
      You may call or stop by Benefits anytime from 8am-4:30pm***
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If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
  • Health Plans

  • New Employees

  • HIPAA Qualified Event (Change outside of Open Enrollment)