• CPSEL 1 - Development and Implementation of a Shared Vision

  • From ACSA website

    Standard 1
    Facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community.

    • Facilitate the development of a shared vision for the achievement of all students based upon data from multiple measures of student learning and relevant qualitative indicators.
    • Communicate the shared vision so the entire school community understands and acts on the school’s mission to become a standards-based education system.
    • Use the influence of diversity to improve teaching and learning.
    • Identify and address any barriers to accomplishing the vision.
    • Shape school programs, plans, and activities to ensure that they are integrated, articulated through the grades, and consistent with the vision.
    • Leverage and marshal sufficient resources, including technology, to implement and attain the vision for all students and all subgroups of students.
 Emerging Leadership Academy Shared Vision
Emerging Leadership Academy Shared Vision
  • CPSEL 1: Standard, Elements, and Example Indicators

    From the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, 2014

    STANDARD 1: DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A SHARED VISION Education leaders facilitate the development and implementation of a shared vision of learning and growth of all students.

    Element 1A: Student–Centered Vision

    Leaders shape a collective vision that uses multiple measures of data and focuses on equitable access, opportunities, and outcomes for all students.

    Example Indicators:

    1A-1 Advance support for the academic, linguistic, cultural, social-emotional, behavioral, and physical development of each learner.

    1A-2 Cultivate multiple learning opportunities and support systems that build on student assets and address student needs.

    1A-3 Address achievement and opportunity disparities between student groups, with attention to those with special needs; cultural, racial, and linguistic differences; and disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds.

    1A-4 Emphasize the expectation that all students will meet content and performance standards.

    Element 1B: Developing Shared Vision

    Leaders engage others in a collaborative process to develop a vision of teaching and learning that is shared and supported by all stakeholders.

    Example Indicators:

    1B-1 Embrace diverse perspectives and craft consensus about the vision and goals.

    1B-2 Communicate the vision so the staff and school community understands it and uses it for decision-making.

    1B-3 Build shared accountability to achieve the vision by distributing leadership roles and responsibilities among staff and community.

    1B-4 Align the vision and goals with local, state, and federal education laws and regulations.

    Element 1C: Vision Planning and Implementation

    Leaders guide and monitor decisions, actions, and outcomes using the shared vision and goals.

    Example Indicators:

    1C-1 Include all stakeholders in a process of continuous improvement (reflection, revision, and modification) based on the systematic review of evidence and progress.

    1C-2 Use evidence (including, but not limited to student achievement, attendance, behavior and school climate data, research, and best practices) to shape and revise plans, programs, and activities that advance the vision.

    1C-3 Marshal, equitably allocate, and efficiently use human, fiscal, and technological resources aligned with the vision of learning for all students.