PBIS and Restorative Practices

What is the most innovative feature of this program? 

  • Fullerton School District has unique practices, that when implemented together, provide a comprehensive PBIS program. These practices include the following:

     -  Restorative Practices: Using Restorative Practices to improve student behavior and build positive relationships.

     -  Universal Behavior Screening: Using the Student Risk Screening Scale for Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors (SRSS-IE) to identify at-risk students and pair with appropriate resources, including counseling and mental health support.

     -  Mental Health Support: Using mental health therapists at each school site to support Tier II and Tier III needs; using a district social services assistant to connect families with outside counseling resources.

     -  Tiered Fidelity to PBIS: Using the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) to assess fidelity to PBIS and areas for growth.

     -  Data Driven PBIS: Using the School-Wide Information System (SWIS) to track discipline data and support school-wide decision making.

     -  Coaching: Using the District PBIS Coach to meet with site PBIS teams and action plan; empowering site PBIS coaches with professional development and resources to lead their teams.


  • Fullerton School District supports the development of the whole child, including social and emotional learning. PBIS supports our work in meeting the needs of each child. PBIS stands for “Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports,” and PBIS is built on the premise that behavior expectations need to be taught directly and explicitly to students, in the same way we teach reading and math. Therefore, PBIS is not a curriculum, but a framework of proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate behaviors. With this in mind, Restorative Practices fit into our broader PBIS implementation goals. Restorative Practices are inspired by the practice and philosophy of Restorative Justice and aim to develop community and manage conflict/tension by repairing harm and restoring relationships.