• PE Rules and Policies

    Physical Education Policies

    PE takes place during every school day, every period with the emption of some Wednesday's.

    Outside/Blacktop/Grass Rules

    1- You must be sitting on your assigned number before the tardy bell rings, otherwise you will be considered tardy. Wait for directions from your teacher. If you are 5 minutes late you will be considered truant.

    2- HORSEPLAY and PUT DOWNS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Students will respect each other and keep hands and feet to themselves. Be courteous to other students and teachers. During any activity there will be no put downs, name calling or arguments. Use of foul language will not be tolerated. Play fair and display good sportsmanship.

    3- Please leave all equipment in the cart and do not touch anything. Wait until teacher directs which items are to be taken from the cart. Students will only use equipment with teacher permission

    4- Students will not hang on basketball rims or pull on volleyball nets, this will result in consequences.

    5- During the period, students will stay in assigned PE class area.

    6- Wait for your teacher to stop activity and dismiss you to the locker room. PLACE, do not throw, all equipment where the teacher has directed you immediately.

    7- At the end of the period, after dressing report to the area behind the red line to wait patiently for the bell to ring. Students will line-up behind the red line next to the locker room. 

    8. Talking back to the teacher will not be tolerated.

    Locker Room Rules

    1- Enter the locker room before the tardy bell rings, get dressed promptly and report to your number or assigned area.

    2- Make sure to enter on the right and exit to the right. Do not block or crowd the entry door and exit door. No pushing, moshing while entering or exiting the locker room. No blocking the ramp.Watch you do not hit people with your backpacks.

    3- Make sure to put your back pack, clothes and all of your belongings in your locker and lock it. You may not keep any of your stuff on the ground at anytime. Do not bring anything valuable to school that could be stolen. The PE staff is not responsible for any stolen items that are unlocked. When class is over, take all of your belongings out of your locker and take them with you. You may not leave any of your things in a PE locker overnight.

    4- Students may not wear PE clothes that belong to others. No sharing. You may not wear other students PE clothes from the lost and found. 

    5- No horseplay or loud noise in the locker room(such as running, throwing things, chasing each other, yelling, screaming, loud whistling, slamming lockers, clapping etc.) Keep your hands to yourself and off other student's belongings

    6- Do not slam lockers

    7- Keep your locker room clean. Eating or drinking in the locker room is not allowed. Once you dress you may take a snack and drink out to the trash can on the blacktop to quickly have a snack before class starts. Make sure to throw your trash away. You may bring your own water to class.

    8- You may not go to your locker after class without permission from a teacher

    9- At the end of the period, after dressing report to the area behind the red line to wait patiently for the bell to ring. 


  • General Rules and Procedures

    General Rules

    1. Be early to class
    2. Be prepared for days activities
    3. Be HERE physically and mentally (tune in)
    4. Be respectful to ALL campus staff and students
    5. Do your best all the time
    6. NO EATING OR DRINKING except water IN L9


    You will be given a locker # and lock combination. Make sure you put your lock on your locker and not somebody else's. 

    Steps to good locker use:

    1. memorize your combination
    2. open your locker and immediately latch unlocked lock back on your locker
    3. always lock your locker when you leave
    4. don’t shove oversized backpacks in your locker (wheelies).
    5. your locker is your responsibility


    1. All students must bring PE clothes every day! Failure to do so will result in a “non-suit” and loss of 5 points. Continual failure will result in detention.
    2. Students must wear their PE clothes properly. Boys no sagging, girls no shirt ties. Failure to do so will eventually result in detention.
    3. Additionally, all students must follow all school dress code policies (see school policies)

    Class Conduct

    1. Conduct in L9 must be appropriate and respectful to all teachers and students. No yelling or rough-play inside L9.
    2. Talking while the teacher is giving instructions will not be tolerated.
    3. After 5 minutes, all students must leave L9, and go sit or stand on their assigned numbers.
    4. Students are responsible for their own behavior during class. They are required to follow ALL instructions given by instructor as directions are given for student success.
    5. Students must participate in all activities, unless they are cleared by a doctors note or given permission by instructor. THE OFFICE CLEARS THEM FROM ACTIVITY.

    Students will be excused from PE if:

    1. THE OFFICE CLEARS THEM FROM ACTIVITY. Ms. McIntosh does not decide who is excused.
    2. a student is injured during class.
    3. student gets sick during class.
    4. If you are healthy enough to come to school, you are healthy enough to do PE.
    5. Behavior Issues a student can be removed from the class for safety purposes.


    Is the responsibility of the student. If absent, students must see me about make-ups. Students will have equal number of days as absent to make up missed work. See middle school homework policy.

    Academic grades and citizenship

    1. All student and parents are encouraged to check Powerschool weekly for progress. Students and parents will be given a username and password to check PowerSchool.
    2. Do not wait until the end of the trimester to worry about your grade. Keep up with all assigned work throughout the trimester.
    3. Extra credit will not be given the last week of the trimester, but will be given throughout. 
    4. Behavior issues will be dealt with seriously and are not expected. These will result in detentions and possible suspension. 
    5. Two detentions in one trimester will result in an N in citizenship. Four detentions will result in a U - NO QUESTIONS ASKED! Students will be given numerous verbal warnings and/or behavior notices prior to a detention. 

    Class is designed for student learning, interaction and fun. If you follow the rules, it will be fun. Rules are designed for class to run smoothly,create a safe environment and create a safe learning space for all.


    Student name (print)______________________


    Parent sign________________________