2023/2024 Fisler School
Principal: Kimberly Benaraw
School Site Council Approval Date: November 8, 2023STATE PROGRAM FUNDS | ESTIMATED FUNDS
- LCFF Supplemental 302 | $ 190,331
- LCFF Base 304 | $ 124,930
FEDERAL Program Funds | Estimated Funds
- Title I Economically Disadvantaged 212 | na
School Mission/Vision
At Robert C. Fisler School, we empower each other to create, communicate, collaborate, and think critically in a technology-rich environment.
The Fisler School community comes together based on a vision to develop the students into the innovators of today. Fisler students will become the forward-thinkers, strategists, and leaders who transform their future and innovate solutions for a better world.
Goal 1
Student Achievement
ELA School-Wide GoalsKindergarten ELA Goal:
Using Fall ESGI data, the Kindergarten’s focus is segmenting and letter sounds. Currently, 12% of students have met the goal. By the 3rd trimester benchmark, 80% of Kindergarten students will demonstrate proficiency in segmenting and 90% proficiency in letter sounds
First Grade ELA Goal:
Based on the district’s oral reading/phonics benchmark, 25/96 students are below basic (26%). By the 3rd trimester benchmark, 80% of 1st-grade students will demonstrate proficiency in their oral phonics benchmark.
Second Grade ELA Goal:
The percentage of 2nd grade students scoring in levels 1 and 2 ("not mastered") was 43% on the 2023/2024 Fall district diagnostic assessment. Our goal is to decrease that percentage by at least 10% for the 2023/2024 district diagnostic assessment results (D3).
Third-Eighth Grade ELA Goal:
The percentage of students scoring in levels 1 and 2 ("not meeting State Standards") on the 2023/2024 Fall district diagnostic was 28%. Our goal is to decrease that percentage by at least 10% for the 2023/2024 district diagnostic assessment results (D3).
Third-Eighth Grade SBAC Goal:
Third- Eighth Grade By Spring 2024, the overall SBAC ELA Distance From Standard (DFS) will increase from 3 points from increased to increased significantly in the very high performance category
Math School-Wide Goals:
Kindergarten Math Goal:
Using current ESGI Data, Kindergarten’s focus in math is counting and representing numbers. By the 3rd trimester benchmark in 2023-2024 90% of Kindergarten students will demonstrate proficiency in counting and representing numbers 0-20. Currently 56% have met the goal.
First Grade Math Goal:
20/96 first graders (21%) are far below basic in adding 25 math problems in 2 minutes. Goal is to decrease this to less than 5 students in the entire grade level (10%) by the 3rd trimester.
Second Grade Math Goal:
The percentage of 2nd grade students scoring in levels 1 and 2 ("not mastered") was 55% on the 2023/2024 Fall district diagnostic assessments. Our goal is to decrease that percentage by at least 10% for the 2023/2024 district diagnostic assessment results (D3).
Third-Eighth Grade Math Goal:
Percentage of students scoring in levels 1 and 2 ("not meeting State Standards") on the 2023/2024 Fall district diagnostic was 45%. Our goal is to decrease that percentage by at least 10% for the 2023/2024 district diagnostic assessment results (D3).
Third-Eighth Grade Math SPED Goal:
Third- Eighth Grade By Spring 2024, the overall SBAC Math Distance From Standard (DFS) will increase from 3 points from increased to increased significantly in the very high-performance category
Major Initiatives, Actions, and Services to Improve Student Achievement
Support California Common Core Standards Curriculum
Teachers create California Common Core Standards-based lesson plans that support the needs of students. Teachers develop common formative assessments based on Guaranteed and Viable Standards.
Standards-based assessments are created in programs such as iReady and/or Blackboard Learning Management Systems.
Teachers use Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) strategies and implementation of school-wide Depth and Complexity Icons. Junior Great Books are offered to GATE-identified students to utilize the Shared Inquiry Method.
Students use laptops, iPads, and iPad Carts to enhance learning and applications such as IXL for math, Accelerated Reader, IReady ELA, and BrainPop for ELA/math to reinforce skills and as intervention tools.
Teachers use Writer's Workshop, Reader's Workshop, and CGI to teach reading, writing, and math strategies. Grade levels K-6 use Lucy Calkins' Units of Study for both Reader's and Writer's Workshop.
Speech and Debate is offered to students in grades 4th -8th. Students will learn about public speaking and speech writing and cover argumentation and debate skills. Students will have the opportunity to participate in local and regional Speech and Debate competitions.
Middle School Grades (6-8) use Studysync for Reading, Writing, and ELD supports, IReady ELA and Listenwise to support listening skills.
Enrichment/Extended Activities: 6th Grade Science Camp, Science Olympiad, Family Science Night, Math Field Day, Math Olympiad, Mathena Math Club, MinecraftEdu, advanced robotics.
5th-8th grade students will cultivate their passions and efficacy through personal, educational, and professional discovery, guided by a college/ career pathway. Activities include engaging parents, teachers, staff, and students.
All 8th-grade students will receive 1:1 counseling support in identifying pathways towards high school/college/career, supported by strength-based assessments, passion-directed PBL, and community opportunities.
Support for Struggling Learners with Push-in RSP services is offered to students to meet IEP goals.
Response to Interventions (RtI) is offered to students in small groups with a targeted focus based on Universal Screenings, diagnostic tests, and common formative assessments for grades K-8.
Saturday School opportunities are available to students for intervention support.
Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS), a school-wide program, helps with the implementation of a Behavior Matrix to promote positive behaviors.
Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) meetings are held to support teachers with struggling learners based on data and referral form process.
Programs such as BrainPOP and Study Sync ELD provide additional support for EL learners.
The counselor supports students with academic needs, scoring below a 2.0 GPA on a quarterly basis for middle school students.
Teachers participate in instructional rounds, where they are able to observe best teaching practices during the instructional day. Teachers debrief on what was observed.
Goal 2
Goal 2:Technology and Digital Literacy
All Fisler students and staff will have access to demonstrate mastery of 21st-century learning tools, resources, and skills in support of relevant and rigorous learning experiences.
Support for 21st Century Professional Development
Professional Development is provided throughout the year on campus with site-specific needs. Progressive skills in coding across grade levels require vertical articulation.
3rd-8th grade teachers are trained in coding through TechSmart.
Major Initiatives, Actions, and Services to Improve Student Achievement:
Support for 21st Century Curriculum and Instruction
Students use technology to access curriculum, reinforce skills, and extend learning. Students create, communicate, collaborate and critically think in a technology-rich environment. All students have equitable access to learning tools and devices. Students use laptops, iPads, iPad Carts, iPod Carts as well as laptop/iPad programs and applications.
Students are given opportunities to design, create, invent, and engineer ideas and products using technology through Project Based Learning and Design Thinking during Pathfinder time for enrichment. Middle school students are offered animation, html coding, photography, robotics, rocketry, graphic design and web design through technology class and/or electives. Students learn relevant, real world skills and how these skills impact the world today.
There is a school-wide focus on progression of coding skills across the grade levels. Kindergarteners learn about coding through Kibo and Beebots; first graders program Ozobots, second graders program Dash n Dot robots; third graders program Lego Mindstorm EV3s, 4th grade programs circuits through Littlebits coding, 5th graders program drones using Python, and middle school students learn advanced Python, Java, and have an opportunity to program Vex Robots. Through a partnership with TechSmart, 3rd-8th grade teachers explicitly teach block and language based coding progressively through TechSmart's curriculum. 6th-8th grade are given an opportunity to take the AP Computer Science Principles Exam.
Goal 3
Safe and Secure Environment
Robert C. Fisler School will provide a welcoming, safe and secure environment for all members of our school community.
Fisler Staff will build a school-wide Cultural Proficiency Plan that will promote and celebrate diversity through best instructional practices, community events, and Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports (PBIS).
Celebrating Success (Marzano Domain 1: Art and Science of Teaching)
School-wide celebrations that include students, staff, and community
Creating a Safe and Collaborative Environment (Marzano Level 1: High Reliability Schools)
Teachers will look more closely at all students' experiences and honor their background and uniqueness to shift mindset about teacher roles and the need to teach all students equitably.
Parents will learn about students' uniqueness and embrace diversity within all learners.
Students will be engaged in intentional opportunities that develop skills to interact with one another to become kind, safe, responsible and respectful individuals in their community.
Major Initiatives, Actions, and Services to Improve Student Achievement
Supporting a Welcoming Environment.
Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) school-wide program helps with the implementation of Behavior Matrix to promote positive behaviors. The PBIS team, composed of administration, teachers, counselor, support staff, and students, works towards a positive school climate.
Administration and teachers work closely with PTSA and the Foundation to support school-wide events and assemblies to celebrate talents and diversity and promote a welcoming environment, such as Celebrating Diversity through All the Arts Night, Fisler Spirit Rally, Read Across America, Family Science Night, Family Film Festival, and The Best Party Ever.
Supporting School Safety
Fire drills, lockdown drills, and earthquake drills are held regularly in preparation for an emergency situation and/or disaster.
Fisler's Safety Committee, composed of administration, support staff, and parent representatives, meets regularly to debrief on drills, discuss safety concerns, and develop action plans to improve safety protocol on campus.
A detailed emergency plan is in place with all staff members understanding their roles. Each classroom is equipped with a box of emergency food, water, and an emergency bucket with all supplies. Additional emergency supplies and water are stored in the school's emergency shed. All supplies are kept updated annually.
Goal 4
Parent Environment
Robert C. Fisler School will improve parent involvement and communication by amplifying the use of diverse modalities to disseminate news, events, and showcase student work among all members of our school community and within our District and city and geographic area at large.
Fisler Staff will promote active parent involvement in activities related to student academic, physical and emotional well-being. Information will be disseminated through PTSA, Foundation, ELAC, School Site Council, and School Safety Committee meetings. This will be evidenced by the use of:
Social Media
BlackBoard Connect: Email and text features
Digital Weekly Newsletter
Digital showcasing through website
Middle school communication through a Middle School Activities page on Blackboard shared with students, parents, and the community, provided to parents through a one-stop-shop weblink.
- 2022-2023 Topics will include:
Anti Bullying
Inclusive Practices
Celebrating Success
Digital Citizenship
Safety Procedures and Drill through Safety Committee (Parent involvement)
Major Initiatives, Actions, and Services to Improve Student Achievement
Supporting School to Home Communication
Fisler School communicates with the parent community via phone, emails,handbooks, newsletters, social media, to inform of current/upcoming events and successes. The principal sends an electronic newsletter weekly to highlight events and celebrate successes. School calendar, which is provided online, is kept up to date and lists all school-wide events.
Supporting Communication With School Staff
Administration provides a digital weekly staff newsletter. It has the week's overview, upcoming dates/events, staff meeting recaps, announcements and celebrations, District news, and resources such as calendar links and sign ups.
Supporting Communication with Students
Teachers communicate learning goals and expectations directly to students in the classroom. Learning goals and expectations, such as Fisler's Behavior Matrix, are posted in every classroom.
Teachers communicate with students using the class website, Google Classroom and Blackboard LMS. Announcements are given in class and can also be sent electronically using Blackboard.
Supporting Communication with the District
Fisler administration and staff support district events and promote participation among school community members. District events will be highlighted on the school's website as needed.
Supporting Communication with the Wider Community
Fisler uses social media, such as Twitter and Instagram, to promote school events, programs and successes.