

    Robert C. Fisler School students are expected to attend school ready to learn. It is also expected, at all times, that student behavior reflects the ability to discern right from wrong. The well-being of the school community depends on each student accepting responsibility for personal conduct in both social and academic endeavors.

    Academic honesty requires that students take responsibility for producing work that reflects the student's best effort. Academic dishonesty is evidenced by cheating or plagiarism and involves any attempt by a student to show possession of knowledge and skills he/she does not possess. For purposes of this policy, the following definitions are in effect:


    Fisler School identifies Academic Dishonesty as:


    • Plagiarism/Copying - Replicating any portion of someone else’s work and passing it off as your own, without giving proper credit (e.g. copying and pasting parts of a source you found online without citing it; using someone else’s work and claiming it as your own)

    • Cheating - Using unauthorized sources or devices to help you achieve an outcome you wouldn’t have on your own (e.g. looking at another’s answers, talking and/or copying someone’s answers on an exam, quiz or assignment, looking up answers in code.) Unauthorized accessing, deleting, modifying, transferring or using any analog or digital files/software/programs locally or by remote access. Possessing and/or using a cell phone, camera, or recording device during an assessment.

    • Contract Cheating - Paying or bribing someone to help you cheat  (e.g. buying, giving or receiving something in exchange for answers, pre-written essays, or for another’s work)

    • Facilitation of Academic Dishonesty - Helping others cheat/plagiarize etc. (e.g. providing answers to a friend; doing the work for a friend, or taking an exam in their place)

    • Collusion - Working together with others to cheat (e.g. texting your friends during an online assessment to compare answers)

    • Deceit/Forgery - Lying or falsifying information (e.g. forging a parent signature; fabricating an illness to get out of an assessment)

    • Accessing, deleting, modifying, transferring, or receiving of computerized files without authorization of the teacher. Although a student may authorize another student to copy or transfer electronic files, this action is considered cheating if done without teacher permission


    *Use of AI - using AI (artificial intelligence) to write or complete assignments is a slippery slope. Using AI to get more information and to understand a subject is one way to use AI to help you learn, but, if you use AI to completely write an answer for you or a paper without paraphrasing the information and citing where you received this information (like Chat GPT) is plagiarism and will earn the student a zero on their assignment.

    Source: https://www.scribbr.com/plagiarism/academic-dishonesty/




    The student is expected to adhere to the tenets of this policy in completing all school related tests, quizzes, reports, homework, assignments and other academic work both in class and out of class.
    The parent is expected to support the spirit and intent of this policy by reviewing the policy with their student and encouraging the student to practice academic honesty.

    The teacher is expected to promote the academic honesty policy through ongoing reference to and application of the school & district values.The teacher/admin. is expected to make clear to students the fact that the tenets of the academic honesty policy will be strictly enforced. The teacher/admin is expected to act on and enforce appropriate consequences when any student is found to have violated the academic policy.



    FIRST Minor Offense* (daily work/assignments)

    1. Student will earn a zero for the assignment.
    2. Citizenship grade may be lowered.
    3. Parent(s) & all teachers will be notified.

    4. Subject grade will be affected depending on the percentage of the total grade given to the assignment in question.

    5. Detention will be assigned.

    *2nd or more minor offense(s) will be treated as a FIRST major offense (see below)


    FIRST Major Offense (multi-day assignments, projects, quizzes, tests, or essays)

    1. Student will earn a zero for the assignment.

    2. Parent(s), all teachers and assistant principal will be notified.

    3. Subject grade will be affected depending on the percentage of the total grade given to the assignment in question.

    4. Student will earn a “N” (Needs Improvement) in Citizenship.  This will result in the student not making the Honor Roll list, and loss of membership or participation in Honor Societies, Student Council/Leadership, Athletics/Extracurricular activities (if applicable)

    *3rd or more minor offense(s) will be treated as a SECOND major offense (see below)


    SECOND Major Offense (multi-day assignments, projects, quizzes, tests, or essays)

    1. Student will earn a zero for the assignment.
    2. Parent(s), all teachers and vice principal & principal will be notified.
    3. A parent-teacher-student-admin conference will be held.
    4. Subject grade will be affected depending on the percentage of the total grade given.
    5. Student will earn a “U” (Unacceptable) in Citizenship.  This will result in the student not making the Honor Roll list, and loss of membership or participation in Honor Societies, Student Council/Leadership, Athletics/Extracurricular activities (if applicable)

    *3rd or more major offense(s) will be treated as a SECOND major offense and may have more severe consequences



Fullerton School District Policy

  • Let's Be Honest...

    Students come to school to learn. Learning can happen in many ways, but the only way to SHOW what you have learned is through YOUR OWN work on individual assignments or YOUR SHARE of group work. The Board of Trustees of the Fullerton School District believes that students must honestly demonstrate their knowledge and skills when they are assigned work to be completed individually, while taking tests, and when representing themselves, their team, or their school in competitive situations. 

    Academic Dishonesty means...

    • When working alone, do your own work--do NOT share your work with others.

    • When working in a group, do your share and cooperate. 

    • When taking a test, keep your eye on your own paper and do not talk during a test. 

    • When playing a game, play by the rules and be fair. 


    Remember these rules:

    • Do your own work. Copying from a book, CD Rom, internet site, or from someone else's work is plagiarism. It does not show what YOU know. 

     Show what YOU can do. Taking credit for someone else's work or giving your work to someone else is dishonest. 

     Share the work when you're assigned to a group. Being uncooperative makes others work for you and keeps you from learning all you can. 

    Be a person of INTEGRITY!

    Cheating hurts everyone--in school, in sports and in life. 



If Academic Dishonesty Occurs...

  • Here are the procedures/consequences for offenses in the 7th and 8th grades...

    First Offense--Classroom Teacher

    1. Student will not receive credit on the assignment. 

    2. Parent(s) will be notified either through a phone call or detention notice. 

    3. Student will receive an N or U in citizenship (depending on minor or major offense)*

    4. Additional consequence or intervention consistent with classroom discipline plan will be assigned. 

    5. Notice of infraction will be sent to the office. 

    Second Offense--Classroom Teacher

    1. No credit will be given on the assignment. 

    2. Parent conference will be held. 

    3. Student will receive a U in citizenship.*

    4. Notice of infraction will be sent to the office. 

    5. Upon receipt of second notice of infraction from the class, an administrator, counselor, or designee will meet with the student. Additional consequences may be assigned. 

    6. Additional consequence or intervention consistent with school-wide discipline plan will be assigned. 

    Third Offense--Classroom Teacher/Administrator

    1. No credit will be given on the assignment. 

    2. Parent conference will be held. 

    3. Student will receive a U in citizenship.*

    4. Notice of infraction will be sent to the office. 

    5. Saturday School may be assigned. 

    6. Additional consequence or intervention consistent with school-wide discipline plan will be assigned. 

    7. Upon receipt of third notice of infraction from the class, an administrator, counselor, or designee will meet with the student. Additional consequences may be assigned. 

    Fourth Offense--Classroom Teacher/Administrator

    Any additional incidents of cheating will result in loss of school privileges and possible further progressive disciplinary action by administrator or designee. 

    * N or U in citizenship may result in loss of membership in such activities as National Junior Honor Society, Student Council, removal from Teacher Assistant assignments, or athletic programs.