• PATHFinder College & Career Pathways Corner

    At Fisler School, our middle school students have embarked upon a personal journey on Tuesdays during PATHFinder/Compass time from 2:00-2:50 PM to identify 5 areas of strengths through our thrively strengths assessment. Students have begun a project based learning framework to gather in groups based upon mutual career aspiration interests to participate in educational research within this career field to be able to identify their passions.  In addition to personal and educational exploration, we have scheduled enrichment opportunities for our middle school students prepare them for transitioning to high school and learning about college/career pathways.

    We had 20 8th grade students who expressed their interest in drama attend a theater experience at Pomona College of A Christmas Carol and then students took a tour of the college campus.

    Pomona College Student Reflections

    “I learned that private schools are more smaller and expensive.  The play was interesting because it was my first time watching people act on stage.  The people were really skilled at acting and singing. I noticed that there were cafes and study rooms for students, this was a great experience.” - Rosie Jeong

    “Watching A Christmas Carol at Pomona College was extremely exciting, I’m really into the arts industry and so it was nice seeing something physically.” - Jamila Abdelkarim

    “I like the play, they were talented actors and actresses.  I like the layout of the college and it seemed like a peaceful and good place to go.” - Tyler Yu

    “This field trip was a big blast.  The play was beyond amazing it was, in fact, my first experience watching a college play.  Pomona College seems very nice with a good environment.” - Lauren Pak

    All of our 8th grade students have been able to participate in a series of high school panel Q & A sessions about Sunny Hills High School, Troy High School and coming up in early January, Fullerton High School.  These events have been able to provide our students with the personal experience of listening to former Fisler students to learn about specialized programs and activities that they can participate in as they prepare for high school, along with reviewing information about the five different high school sites, tour schedules and honors placement exams.  These events have given our students a foundation to prepare for open enrollment and registration at their selected high school of choice.

    Sunny Hills High School Tour Student Reflections

    “I liked how we got a glimpse of the campus and how we got to be part of the winter rally.  It gave me something to expect for high school. I learned that SHHS have a lot to offer such as sports, library space, pool and clubs.” - Kate Yang

    “The field trip was a great experience and opportunity to learn and now I have an idea of where I want to go now.” - Saiya Shah

    “I learned that the school is very welcoming, the school has lots of school spirit, I am compelled to go to SHHS next year.” - Jaiminh Park

    “I really liked the EPIC program, I’m interested in engineering and it seems like they have a lot of school spirit.” - Brayden Weimholt

    On January 10th, we will be taking all our female 6th, 7th and 8th grade students to participate in the Bridges To Tomorrow event, sponsored by American Association of University Women at Fullerton Community College  to give our students exposure to different career options within the field of math and science.

    Enrichment Events Schedule
