Distance Learning Rules

  • Distance Learning Rules:

    1. Remember that you are on camera and live. Your teacher and fellow students can see what you are wearing and your facial expression. Find a quiet place in your house. Dress appropriately, following school dress codes. Teachers WILL be recording the meeting. Do not share the meeting address/ID with anyone. If this protocol is not followed, you will not be allowed to participate in future virtual meetings and consequences will be given for any violations.
    2. You are not anonymous. Be mindful of your expressions, speaking tones, and what you say. Your voice and video are viewed by everyone participating in the conference. Other people in your house can hear what you and others in the video conference are saying. You may want to mute your microphone if you are not talking/commenting, or answering questions.
    3. Follow the same classroom rules that you would follow in real life. Listen to the teacher. Take turns to speak. Be kind and considerate.
    4. Think before you speak. Stay on topic. Make sure your comments are clear and appropriate to the conversation. Don’t say anything you wouldn't say in your actual classroom.
    5. Be a good listener. Take the time to listen to what people are saying. Don’t interrupt others.
    6. Think before you type. If your teacher enables the chat feature, you may be able to participate by typing into a chat box. Choose your words carefully. Use appropriate spelling and grammar. Stay on topic. Don’t use sarcasm or humor that could be misunderstood. Don’t type in all caps.
    7. Take it slow. Remote learning is probably a new experience for you. Resist the impulse to be silly or to say or type the first thing that comes into your mind.
    8. Video conferencing is a privilege. If you cannot use it responsibly your access to school managed video conferencing tools will be removed.


  • 1. What time should I/my child wake up in the morning?

    A: Keep a set schedule during the "school" week (M-F). This includes a set bedtime. Don't allow yourself/child to stay up too late at night and sleep too late in the morning--school is in session. Be flexible though, because your home "school" day may not be as long as a traditional school day.

    2. How can I prepare my child or myself for learning?

    A: Maintain a school-like space where you/your child can work on different activities. Make sure you/your child has access to paper, pencils, coloring tools,  etc. , and a device (if possible).

    3. How can I stay on track with my learning/my child's learning at home?

    Be flexible in your expectations. You/your child may or will be on an electronic device more during this time of distance learning. Certain apps and websites are assisting you/your child's learning right now. Try to stick to a schedule, of course this is flexible, but being on a schedule will help you stay on track and complete your assignments. 

    4. How if I am confused or am having trouble with any of my/your child's assignments or accessing technology?

    A: You may get confused with certain apps or directions. This distance/online learning is new to everyone and I am here to help. Please email me with any questions. Office hours are available to respond to your concerns/questions and you may also email me at any time. A response will be given in a timely manner.