• About Mrs. Cockerill

  • Welcome Back Letter to Parents

    Welcome to Room 33! I’m excited about the opportunity to get to know you, and I’m looking forward to a happy and productive school year. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to be teaching sixth grade! 

    First off, let me introduce myself. I have a Bachelor's Degree in English and a Master's of Arts in Teaching from Southern Methodist University and the University of Colorado- Boulder.  I am going into my twenty-first year of teaching, one year in Japan, eight years in Denver, Colorado, and this will be my fifteenth year here at Acacia Elementary. I am excited about getting the school year started and working with each and every one of you.

    I believe that teaching your child is a privilege, as well as a tremendous responsibility. I will do my best this year to ensure that each student has a motivating and safe learning experience in the classroom. However, I cannot do this alone: I need your help. We both need to be partners in the learning process. I need each of you to encourage your child at home by helping to ensure that they have completed their assignments, finished their vocabulary and spelling packets, and studied for tests/quizzes, if necessary. I will keep you informed of all assignments and subjects that are covered in class with the use of the student agenda and online calendar. (this is updated daily and will be accessible on my web page)

    Parents, you are always welcome in our classroom. The school does ask that you sign in as a visitor and wear a pass for the safety of our students and faculty/staff. If you have any questions, concerns, or need to speak with me, please feel free to e-mail me. I look forward to having an outstanding year with you and your child.
    Once again, welcome to Room 33. Let’s work together to make this the best year ever!

    Mrs. Cockerill

  • About Me!

    I love going to the beach and the mountains. We spend most of our weekends swimming, hiking or visiting the park.