Acacia School 2023/2024
Principal: Rachel McCormick
School Site Council Approval Date: November 6, 2023
- LCFF Supplemental 302 | $ 123,910
- LCFF Base 304 | $ 96,212
Federal Program Funds | Estimated Funds
- Title I Economically Disadvantaged 212 | $ N/A
School Mission/Vision
21st Century learning for the whole child.Mission:
Our mission is to provide an education of the highest quality, blending the resources of the home, school, and community. We are committed to empowering students to recognize their full potential with rigorous academic standards, as well as developing confident children who can collaborate, create, critically think, and communicate.
Goal 1
Student Achievement
- By May 2024, we will increase our iReady Distance From Standard (DFS) by 3 points from 11.1 to 14.1 in ELA, and 10.5 to 13.5 in Math.
- By Spring 2024, the overall SBAC ELA Distance From Standard (DFS) will maintain or increase the Distance From Standard by 3 points from 82 to 85 in ELA and 69 to 72 in Math.
Major Initiatives, Actions and Services to Improve Student Achievement
- Teachers will participate in professional development and training in the areas of Language Arts, Math, ELD, and their professional growth goals. At the site level, teachers and support staff engage in professional development in order to increase their skills and best meet the needs of students.
Teacher substitutes will be utilized to support the following programs: Grade-level meetings, student assessments, round tables/SIT meetings, teacher evaluation conferences, and classroom walk-throughs.
Professional Learning Communities (PLC) biweekly for 50 minutes will be managed by a PE Teacher to provide release times for grade levels to participate in. At PLC meetings, teachers discuss how to respond to students who are not learning the Guaranteed and Viable Standards and identify interventions to help students at risk.
Instructional Assistants will be hired to assist with the increased number of students in Kindergarten and TK.
Identified teachers will attend training/workshops such as Systematic ELD, CGI, Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop, Thinking Maps, RtI, and technology to improve instruction. Consultants will be contracted to present Professional Development in these areas.
Materials will be purchased for the SPED, RtI, and Intervention programs. Additional supplemental materials, including apps used for intervention materials for EL students to supplement ELD instruction and after-school programs to use with all students, will be purchased.
Field trips and assemblies will be provided for students to ensure that learning continues out of the classroom.
Goal 2
Technology and Digital Literacy
All Acacia students and staff will have access to and demonstrate mastery of 21st Century learning tools, resources, and skills in support of relevant and rigorous learning experience
Major Initiatives, Actions and Services to Improve Student Achievement
A stipend will be paid for the Speech and Debate Teacher/Coach to enable students to participate in the Speech and Debate Program
Technology support/replacement for Student/Teacher needs iReady, iPads, Laptops, desktop computers, smart TVs, printers, apps, keyboards, earphones, cables, etc. will be purchased to provide students more opportunities to print, publish their final edited works, and support students' needs.
Computers, laptops, iPads, memory, cables, and other technology equipment, and Apps, services will be purchased for teachers, Principal, and Office Staff to access and run district, instructional, and intervention programs, etc., to run efficiently.
Technology support for student and teacher needs will be purchased for the STEM Lab.
Goal 3
Safe and Secure Environment
- Acacia Elementary School will provide a welcoming, safe and secure environment for all members of our school community.
Major Initiatives, Actions and Services to Improve Student Achievement
Consultants in the area of soccer will be contracted to provide supervision and instruction during lunchtime recess.
Teachers will be compensated at the hourly rate to work on the safety plan beyond the workday. In cooperation with District expectations, implement a district-wide plan to support the knowledge and training of all stakeholders to ensure safe work and school environments, such as emergency preparedness and safety plans.
Teachers will be compensated at the hourly rate to plan for PBIS beyond the workday.
A part-time School Counselor (50%) will be hired in order to assist with the implementation of counseling and behavior programs. Identify and develop programs that support the emotional and physical well-being of all students and staff, such as Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS), Bullying/Cyberbullying training
Additional hours for noon supervisors will be provided to assist with the supervision before and during school in order to increase supervision.
Counseling support from a school psychologist, Mental Health Intern, and outside referrals to support teacher and student needs as well as crisis prevention support from Mental Health Intern.
Certificates and/or other awards will be purchased to support our PBIS program.
Safety materials such as emergency equipment, batteries, containers, signs, cones, replacement of walkie-talkies, cost estimates for facilities repairs/improvement, etc., will be purchased. Replacement of Raptor System supplies for electronic badges.
Goal 4
Parent Engagement
- Acacia Elementary School will support excellent communication among all members of our school community and within our District
Major Initiatives, Actions and Services to Improve Student Achievement-
Acacia School provides opportunities for all parents to participate. The following communication and meeting opportunities are available to all parents and community members:
Parent Surveys
Monthly school newsletter
Acacia School website is updated regularly
Classroom newsletters and web pages
Parent conferences
Parent information night
Back to School Night
Open House
Parent volunteers in the classrooms and at school functions
Collaborative school/parent staff committees
Teacher emails and phone calls home and/or Class Dojo or parent communication apps, such as Seesaw
Parent/principal emails, phone calls, and meetings with parents and community members
Weekly Smore and Connect Ed voice and email messages to keep all parents informed and involved
School assemblies and school-based events
Thursday Panda Folders with information and flyers, and PeachJar
- Advisory and Advocacy Roles
School Site Council Meetings
PTA Meetings
Foundation Meetings
Coffee with the Principal
Activities to Support Learning at Home
iPads loaded with educational apps to support learning in ELA and Math
Homework packets and projects
Teacher and school website access with resources and support materials
Parent Information Night
- Acacia Elementary School will support excellent communication among all members of our school community and within our District