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Bystander vs. Upstander

  • A Bystander is someone who sees bullying happening but chooses to do nothing to stop it. People who laugh at something a bully says or does and doesn’t try to stop it are also considered bystanders. By doing nothing, this person is contributing to the bullying situation in a negative way.

    An Upstander is someone who recognizes when something is wrong and chooses to do something to help make it right. If they see or hear bullying, they decide to act. This could be anything from asking the bully to stop, reporting the event, or helping the victim after the incident. Upstanders do their best to support and protect their friends and peers.

    Here at Parks, we all try to be Upstanders. If you would like to know more about how to become one, come chat with me and I can help.

  • “I am not here to get you into trouble.

    I am here to keep you out of it.”