Our Mission:
Our department would like to WELCOME students to their Physical Education Class. It is our hope that students will think of being active in a positive way.
P.E. class at Parks Junior High serves many purposes. It gives students a chance to run off some steam and relieve stress. Parks PE students will learn the importance of sportsmanship and teamwork, while developing new friendships. Students will experience new and exciting activities, while improving their physical fitness. Students will compete in sports; learn skills and strategies that can be used all their lives.

Our Team:
Coach Christina Chong; email - christina_chong@myfsd.org
Coach Patty Hammel; email - patricia_hammel@myfsd.org
Coach Geoff Hecht; email - geoff_hecht@myfsd.org
Coach Matthew Stricker; email - matthew_stricker@myfsd.org