• Curriculum

    Language Arts: We will be incorporating the strategies from Readers Workshop and also reading from the Wonders Literature books, the Jr. Great Book Series, and will read several novels together in class.  Writer’s Workshop will focus on narrative, informational, and opinion writing. 

    Math: We will be using the Houghton Mifflin Go Math series while incorporating other Common Core worksheets and activities. We will focus on number sense, addition, subtraction, measurement, fractions, and geometry.

    Science/Health: The students will be learning about physical, life, and earth science. We will be doing hands-on experiments that incorporate the components of STEM.

    Technology: Our class will be using ipads on a daily basis and integrating them into our curriculum. Students will use them as tools for organizing their learning, for research, for project collaboration, and for improving reading, writing, and math skills.