2023-24 Fern Drive School
Principal: Julie Lucas
School Site Council Approval Date: November 13, 2023
- LCFF Supplemental 302 | $122,376
LCFF Base 304 | $55,342
FEDERAL Program Funds | Estimated Funds
Title I Economically Disadvantaged 212 | $ N/A
School Mission/Vision
Fern Drive is a learning community that is committed to educating the next generation of 21st-century leaders with an emphasis on growth mindset, empathy, and STEAM integration to make a positive contribution to society.
We are proud to be a Level 3 Marzano High-Reliability School, a 2023-2024 PBIS Platinum award-winning school, 2022-2023 Common Sense Media Certified Digital Citizenship school, a 2019-20 Educational Results Partnership (ERP) Honor Roll at the Star Level, and a 2016 Gold Ribbon School. We believe in fostering critical thinking, problem solving and creativity through Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics, or STEAM. Students immerse themselves in year-round hands-on science labs, and express their learning through collaborative projects rooted in STEAM principles. Fern Drive's students receive innovative instruction in music, dance, theatre and art through our All the Arts program, and further their hands-on experiences through the All the Arts Creativity Center located on our campus. Our expanding iPad program is seamlessly integrated throughout the curriculum, providing students the opportunity to pioneer their own learning through thoughtfully designed, engaging lessons both at school and at home. Our teachers are highly trained in all aspects of Curriculum and Instruction and use research-based teaching strategies to ensure all students are learning successfully.
School Achievement Goals
Goal 1
Student Achievement
By Spring 2024, the overall SBAC ELA Distance From Standard (DFS) will increase 3 points or more for all significant subgroups: EL, Hispanic, SES, SED, and white.
By Spring 2024, the overall SBAC Math Distance From Standard (DFS) will increase 3 points or more for all significant subgroups: EL, Hispanic, SES, SED, and white.
Major Initiatives, Actions and Services to Improve Student Achievement
- All teachers will implement State Adopted Common Core Curriculum Standards
- Each grade level PLC Team will collaborate to review standards and curriculum, clarify when needed, and make sure all content within the curriculum are being taught and that 100% of students demonstrate mastery on identified Guaranteed and Viable Standards.
- All teachers will actively participate in curriculum planning days to ensure that the curriculum pacing is being implemented with fidelity and that teachers are collaborating on appropriate utilization of curricular materials to support student needs based on multiple measures. Curriculum goals and expected outcomes will be communicated to students and parents.
ELA Strategies:
- First Best Instruction via Marzano Strategies
- RtI (Response to Intervention) ELA 4x/week
- Reteaching and Tier 2 interventions in the classroom
- Writer's Workshop Strategies
- Thinking Maps
- RSP Push in/Pullout
- StoryWorks Supplemental Reading Program
- Large and small group instruction, reteaching
- Core vocabulary development
- Charts and graphic organizers
- SIPPS vocabulary intervention
- Fountas & Pinnel LLI Intervention Kit (RtI only)
- SDAIE and GLAD strategies Enrichment for GATE cluster Comparison and contrast strategies Reading comprehension strategies Read Naturally program
- IXL for Reading
- Technology integration Kahn Academy
- CGI Strategies in the classroom
- Math Journals
- Reteaching and Tier 2 interventions in classroom
- RTI (Response to Intervention) Math 4x/week
- RSP Push in/Pull out
- IXL for Mathematics K-6
- Math Shelf - TK/K
- Hands-on manipulatives
- Small group instruction
- Differentiation of process, product, content
- Enrichment for GATE cluster
- Review/preview of math vocabulary and concepts
- Integration across the curriculum - STEAM
- Application to the real world Technology integration Kahn Academy
- Enrichment for GATE cluster
Goal 2
Technology and Digital Literacy
- Fern Drive's students and staff will have access to and demonstrate mastery of 21st Century learning tools, resources, and skills in support of relevant and rigorous learning experiences via Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM)
Major Initiatives, Actions and Services to Improve Student Achievement
Support for Understanding of 21st Century Standards Focus on 21st-century skills, content knowledge, and expertise:
- Build teacher understanding throughout the core curriculum as well as 21st-century interdisciplinary themes. Emphasize deep understanding (SAMR Model) rather than shallow knowledge.
- Engage students with the real-world data, tools and experts they will encounter in college, on the job, and in life; emphasize the relevance of the ,curriculum to real-life application
- Teachers will engage in instruction that includes digital citizenship and ethics.
- Allow for various levels of student mastery and demonstration of student mastery.
Support for 21st Century Professional Development:
- Use of Professional Rounds, "Ed Tech Pop-Up Sessions" and Co-Teaching with TOSA to assist in the integration of 21st-century skills, tools, and teaching strategies
- Assist teachers in identifying what activities can be replaced/ deemphasized
- Teachers will balance direct instruction with project-based learning, which includes Design Thinking and Maker's Challenges.
- Teachers and students will identify ways in which a deeper understanding of subject matter can actually enhance problem-solving and critical thinking.
- Enable 21st-century professional learning communities for teachers that model the kinds of classroom learning that best promote 21st-century skills for students.
Goal 3
Safe and Secure Environment
- Fern Drive will provide a welcoming, safe and secure environment for all members of our school community. We will also strive to achieve the PBIS Platinum Award from the State of California for the 2022-23 school year.
Major Initiatives, Actions and Services to Improve Student Achievement
- Using PBIS strategies, Fern Drive will promote positive relationships among adults, between adults and students, and among students, emphasizing the school's personal standards of "Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Safe."
- Fern Drive will incorporate the feedback of FSD's PBIS coach.
- Fern Drive Staff will create a school environment where students and staff are likely to feel safe and comfortable at school.
- Utilize the revised PBIS matrix of behavior expectations and teach it to students throughout the school year.
- Promote restorative justice for conflict resolution.
Maintain/Increase School Attendance:
- Student Attendance incentives.
- Teach families the importance of daily school attendance.
- Emphasize the importance of participation in family-school events.
- Provide Saturday School opportunities to families for attendance recovery.
Supporting School Safety:
- Emphasize the importance of positive physical, mental, and emotional health for students and adults
- Fern Drive's school grounds will be maintained to emphasize safety for all staff and students.
- A variety of regular drills will be held to support emergency preparedness. These drills include fire, earthquake, intruder, and lockdown
- A detailed emergency plan is in place and is practiced annually, and all staff members understand their roles in the event of a serious emergency.
- Emergency Supplies are kept on-site and updated regularly.
- A detailed Safe School Plan is in place
Customer Service Emphasis:
- Fern Drive’s staff will strive to provide excellent customer service to students, families, and the community.
Goal 4
Parent Engagement
- Fern Drive values its home/school/community partnership. It is the ongoing goal of the school to have positive communication and interactions between all three partners with the goal of increasing knowledge and participation in school initiatives.
Major Initiatives, Actions and Services to Improve Student Achievement
- School Activities
Supporting School to Home Communication
- School administration, front office, and classroom teachers will establish positive communication before the start of the school year. Information will be disseminated to families describing school programs, policies, and procedures.
- The school will communicate via Connect Ed calls and school website and marquee, PeachJar, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to inform all families of current events, celebrate success, and support academic excellence.
- Personal phone calls and face-to-face meetings will ensure that important information regarding academic or behavioral concerns is conveyed directly.
- The school principal actively maintains three social media platforms - Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
- Teachers will make communication learning goals and work expectations to students. Teachers will promote positive communication and celebrate success.
- Staff to student communication will be made through a variety of communication tools such as PeachJar, Class Dojo, SeeSaw, Haiku, email, phone, face to face, and announcements.
- Office Staff and Administration will be available to students to support as needed throughout the school day.
- Advisory and Advocacy Roles
- Fern Drive has an active ELAC and School Site Council.
- Activities to Support Learning at Home
- Teachers encourage families to participate in their child’s active learning. Fern Drive’s homework policy is that students will work on receive support, demonstrate independent learning, or receive tier two interventions in class. Unfinished classwork becomes “homework.”
- We encourage parents to read to their children.
- We encourage parents to practice High-Frequency Words and math facts with students at home