What is PBIS?
What is PBIS, exactly? PBIS is the way Fern Drive encourages good/positive, expected behavior. The focus is prevention, not punishment. The first school week each year, all of our students are taught through explicit modeling the expectations, using positive language, of how to behave in all areas of our school. As you walk the campus of Fern Drive, you will see signs that state our three personal standards – Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Safe. Each classroom has a matrix that explains the expected behaviors for all areas of the campus. Please go over the behavior matrix with your Falcon. For example: When a student is in line they can show respectful behavior by quietly waiting for their teacher. Another example is when a student is walking in line, they walk on the outside of the yellow lines painted across the campus. (Doing so will prevent them from being hit with a door.)
Proactive PBIS strategies for all students that are used across Fern Drive include:
School wide plan
Class wide rewards
DOJO, Remind, SeeSaw, Gotcha’s, etc.
Extra recess (FFR)
Universal screening
Positive notes home
Character traits
Engaging students
Green Day Assemblies - Friday
Give choices
Flexible seating
Relationship building activities
Class points
Calming techniques
Gotcha Store
Logical and natural consequences