Phone: 714-447-7750


Degrees and Certifications:

BA in Sociology - UCLA BCLAD Credential & MS in Educational Technology - CSUF

Mrs. Jenny Chun

Hello Kindergarten friends!  My name is Mrs. Chun.  I am so excited to be your teacher this year.  I know we are going to have so much fun learning new things and growing together this year.  Welcome to Sunset Lane, and welcome to Kindergarten!

Want to know about me?  I have been teaching at Sunset Lane since 2003 and have taught Kindergarten, first grade, and fifth grade.  I have a wonderful husband, a charming son in 8th grade, and a lovable daughter in 6th grade.  Some of my favorites include:

COLOR:  pink, SEASON:  summer, BOOK:  Peanut Butter and Cupcake, HOBBIES: crafting/stamping, THINGS TO DO: spend time with my family, eating yummy food, playing games, Disneyland

I look forward to learning all about you and having a wonderful year with you!

Phone: 714-447-7750


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Kristen Konechy

Hello Kindergartners!  My name is Mrs. Konechy and I am so excited to be one of your teachers this year!  We are going to do so many fun things and of course we will learn a lot.  I hope you had a fabulous summer and I can't wait to hear all about it. 

Want to know more about me?  Here are a few of my favorites: 

COLOR:  lime green and aqua, SEASON:  summer, BOOK:  Tops and Bottoms, HOBBIES:  reading and crafting, THING TO DO: spend time with my family

I am looking forward to having you in our kindergarten class this year and learning about all your favorite things.