• Recursos / Resources

  • Salón K-1 / Room K-1

    Salón K-1 / Room K-1
    Mapaches azules / Blue Raccoons


    Estudiantes colectarán mapaches durante la semana. Al tener 10 podrán llevárselos a casa (estarán engrapados y tendrán un agujero). Podrán cambiarlos por premios al tener 10, 30, 50, 70 y 100 mapaches azules.  / Students will collect them throughout the week. Once they have 10, they will take them home (they will be stapled and with a hole). They will be able to exchange them for a prize once they have 10, 30, 50, 70 and 100 Blue Raccoons.

    Información / Information

    Noche de regreso a la escuela / Back to School Night