Chapter Questions

  • All assignments must be done in "The Outsiders" document on your Google drive. If you can't access your Google drive, please complete these assignments on paper. Please date each assignment; very similar to your journal. Please number your questions. You DON'T need to write the question. Just answer them completely. 

    Chapter 1

    1. Choose at least three words in the chapter you are unsure of.

    • a. define each word
    • b. use each word in a sentence
    • c. write an antonym for each word (the opposite of the word) 

    2. Although this book was published in 1967, why are the characters in this story relatable to today's teens? (3-4 sentences)

    3. What do you think Ponyboy means when he says, "I lie to myself all the time?" (2-3)


    Chapter 2

    1. Who is the "fuzz"? (1)

    2. Who are Cherry and Marcia? (2-3)

    3. Describe the setting (time and place) of this chapter. Choose 1 setting only. (3-4)

    4. Write at least 2 conflicts: one internal conflict and one external conflict. (3-4)

    5. From which point of view is this story told? (first, third or omniscient) How do you know? Write a sentence that proves your choice. (2)


    Chapter 3

    1. What does Cherry say about the Socs and the Greasers? 

    2. What happens when Ponyboy comes home after curfew?

    3. When and how do the parents die?

    4.Why does Johnny prefer to be beaten? 


    Chapter 4

    1. What is your favorite part so far? Why? (3-4)

    2. Write three major events. (4-5)

    3. What advice would you give Johnny and Ponyboy if you were Dally? 

    4. What is your prediction for Ch 5? Why?


    Chapter 5

    1. Was your prediction from Chapter 4 correct? Explain (2-3).

    2. What can be one of the themes (life lessons) so far in this novel? (3-4)

    3. What is the difference between Ponyboy and Johnny? Explain their character traits. (3-4)

    4. What does "Nothing gold can stay" (the line from the poem that Johnny had read) mean to you? (2-3)

    5. Do you think Ponyboy is happy to be part of The Greasers? Explain (2-3)


    Chapter 6

    Write two paragraphs: (5-8)

    1. Your opinion on the chapter. Explain.

    2. What is your prediction for Ch. 7? 


    Chapter 7

    Answer each in 2-3 sentences.

    1. What condition is Johnny in after the fire?

    2. What is a juvenile delinquent?

    3.What was Bob's real problem, according to Randy?

    4. Why does Ponyboy think it is better to see Socs as just guys?

    5. "Reminds me of a colt" is which literary device?


    Chapter 8

    Answer in 2-3 sentences.

    1. Has Ponyboy's perception of his family changed?

    2. Why was there a rumble (or fight) between the Greasers and The Socs?

    3. How has Johnny's injuries affected the gang?

    4. What is one theme in this chapter?

    5. What is one internal conflict? What is one external conflict? 


    Ch. 9

    1. What do Johnny's words mean at the end of the chapter?

    2. What did you like about this chapter?


    Ch. 10

    1. Was Dally's reaction what you had expected?

    2. How could Dally have handled the situation?

    3. Of all the members, why was Dally so hurt about Johnny's situation? 


    Ch. 11

    1. What does Ponyboy mean when he says Johnny wasn't entirely at fault for Bob's murder?

    2. Does Darry's relationship with Ponyboy change? Explain.

    3. What is the mood? 


    Ch. 12

    1. What does Ponyboy end up doing for his English assignment?

    2. What does Darry mean when he says, "You don't just stop living because you lose someone?" 

    3. Why do think this book is considered a timeless classic? 

    4. Do you think this book could have ended differently? Why or why not?