Principal's Message



Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Jose Varela

Welcome to Nicolas Jr High School, Home of the KNIGHTS

Greetings! My name is Jose Varela and I am beyond proud and excited to serve as the principal at Nicolas Jr. High School, Home of #KnightNation.  I'm eagerly looking forward to the opportunity to meet each one of our new students and see all our amazing returning students. Here at Nicolas, we have a rich history and a bright future ahead of us, so I'm looking forward to continuing to work with our school staff, students, parents, and community members to build upon past successes. The teachers and staff at Nicolas Jr. High School is committed to delivering a rigorous instructional program as well as priding itself on meeting the needs of all students.

Students, as we move into another school year, I would like you to know the following:

  • Nicolas's staff is committed to ensuring you have the necessary education and skills to be productive members of society.  This includes ensuring you have the opportunities to complete the coursework required to be prepared for high school, having a clear pathway into a college or university and also having a foundation to move into the workforce, if that is the path chosen.
  • ALL staff is here to support and encourage you to be a lifelong learner, to explore the various opportunities available beyond high school, and to grow as a person.
  • ALL staff is here to ensure you are cared for and safe. We are all here to serve you. 

Parents, it is an absolute privilege to be able to work with your student(s) as the Principal of Nicolas Jr High School. We appreciate you entrusting your students to us and we will do everything we can to make sure they are ready for high school, college, career, and life. To help support both your student and Nicolas, please partner with us in your student’s education by assisting us with the following:

  • Ensure your student/s participate in school every day.
  • Attendance is extremely important. Help your student/s get to school on time every day. 
  • Help your students plan and carry out a schedule for completing their work
  • Monitor student grades and participation using the PowerSchool parent portal
  • Communicate with your student’s teachers on a consistent basis

Nicolas recognizes that in order for students to reach their full potential, they need to have engaged parents and guardians. There are formal and informal ways you can partner with us. We have monthly Coffee with the Principal meetings and opportunities for parents to serve on our School Site Council Committee (SSC) and our Site English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) and the Parent/Teacher I also invite all parents to sign up for your PowerSchool account  ( and to follow us on Twitter ( Both are easy and essential ways to partner with us in support of our students.

We are excited about the upcoming school year. Serving as the Principal at Nicolas is as great an honor as it is a responsibility. We ask that all members of our Learning Community walk through our doors with the right mindset that will allow us to embrace and meet the challenges of academic excellence in a positive and nurturing environment. 

Knights, I am confident you will take ownership of your education and remember that you can find the support you will need on your educational journey here at Nicolas Jr High School. Remember, success begins with you. We are all here to support, listen, and care for you.


Jose Varela