• Dear Incoming TK Families,


    Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are very excited about your child’s first experience in our elementary school and want to let you know of several details that will ensure a successful transition into our routines.


    First Day Schedule- This is for Monday, August 12th only

    8:15-8:25 Meet me at the kinder playground. 

    (If your child wants breakfast, please enter through the main gate from 8-8:15)

    8:30-9:30 School Begins- ONE parent or guardian accompanies each student for a short orientation and welcome craft in the classroom.  Please bring a 4x6 family photo.

    9:30 Parents say goodbye!

    12:30 Dismissal (pick up your student at the side gate next to the Kinder playground at the top of the stairs off  Sunset Lane near the LAB)


    Please do not plan for more than one adult to accompany your student. The classroom is not big enough for more bodies. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.



    It will help us if you spend some time talking to your child about what they are eating at school. They will have a recess/snack break and a lunch break daily. They will bring their snacks into the classroom and leave their lunchboxes outside on the hooks. If your child brings a home lunch, please let them put it in their own backpack so they know it’s there. Your students have the option to bring a home lunch or get a school lunch- more info will be given about school lunches at orientation. Students need both a simple separate snack AND a lunch everyday.  Please label both their snack and lunch with their name.


    **If you have items from the TK suggested donation list, please bring them at this time. It is helpful for your child to have a full size child’s backpack that will be large enough to hold a folder, their lunch box, their water bottle and a ziplock bag with a change of clothes.  All of these items MUST be labeled with your child’s name. 


    In the event that your child has a hard time saying goodbye to you at 9:30, please know that we are prepared to help in that transition and have found most students are able to adjust after you have left.


    Thank you so much and can’t wait to see you all- Mrs. Walker