School Profile
OUR MISSION STATEMENT: “Chart your Course! Explore! Learn! Achieve!”
The Ancient Greeks set out to sea much as our Spartan Students will set out into the world. They used the tools, skills, and knowledge at their disposal and depended on teamwork and collaboration to ensure a successful voyage. Our entire staff is committed to supporting each student by encouraging each one to chart their course and make a commitment to excellence. The chosen course is up to the student, but our promise is that they will have our unwavering help and encouragement along the way.
At Ladera Vista, We Engage Every Student! Students are challenged to reach their highest potential in their academic learning with rigorous Common Core ELA and Math Standards and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Additionally, Honors or Pre-AP Tracks are offered for our highest-achieving students. With opportunities for specializing in the arts or promoting fitness through Weight-Lifting, Physical Conditioning, and Dance, there is truly something for everyone at Ladera Vista!
Using a unique balance between challenging academic and arts curriculums, students experience an arts-infused curriculum. Numerous studies over the past decade have demonstrated the benefits of arts-infused education. Students who have access to the arts benefit from creative outlets, find greater success in mastering core subjects, have fewer disciplinary problems, and show significantly higher graduation rates. A 2011 study, “Reinvesting in Arts Education”, found that integrating the arts with other subjects also raises academic achievement levels. Arts Education doesn’t just raise test scores, but also supports the learning process itself. Studies show that students participating in the arts have been found to improve their IQ scores by several points. Other studies have reported similar scientific findings on the arts’ impact on the brain, showing that sustained arts education is an essential part of adolescent social and intellectual development.
With over 30 different electives, students have many choices. They may select to be a part of our “Triple Threat Program” (Dance, Choir, and Theatre), participate in our many offerings in Visual and Digital Arts, Instrumental Music, Culinary Arts, Cybersecurity, learn another language, or try a little bit of everything. Students are asked to select six electives at registration and to list them in the order of preference. Students are assigned two electives per semester.
Our 1:1 iPad Program offers all students the opportunity to engage in fun and meaningful learning activities which promote the “4 Cs of Common Core: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, and Critical Thinking Skills. Students are assigned an iPad at the beginning of the year to use throughout their day. In addition, iPads will be taken home to extend student learning through purposeful homework.
Our Tutorial classes, held for 30-minute periods each Tuesday and Thursday, provide you with an opportunity to participate in a variety of Enrichment Classes. Students who are not meeting grade level expectations are supported through intensive interventions in small learning groups during this time.