
  • At Sunset Lane we pledge to be a community of learners who demonstrate our academic and personal best by collaborating, showing kindness, and working with integrity.


  • Sunset Lane is committed to a rich tradition of excellence and student success, where every decision is made with the students’ best interest in mind. We recognize the value of each student as an integral member of the school community. With a partnership of parents, staff, and students, we are dedicated to making a positive impact on our world while embracing our role as agents of change.

    The Sunset Lane community is guided by a shared vision and common sense of purpose as we prepare our students for their future as learners, leaders, and citizens of the world. Opportunities for critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration are embedded within relevant and engaging learning experiences for all students. At Sunset Lane, we personalize student learning and offer diverse enrichment opportunities for our students. There is something for everyone at Sunset Lane. 

    Curriculum and Instruction

    All students experience a balanced, rigorous, standards-based curriculum guided by challenging goals for each grade level. Instructional strategies reflect the 21st century learning skills our students will need to become successful adults and focus on supporting individual learning styles, actively engaging students, and promoting deep and thoughtful learning.

    School Climate

    Sunset Lane School provides a safe, orderly, and inviting climate that is conducive to learning and protects instructional time. Under the umbrella of Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS), we understand the link between appropriate behavior and academic achievement. We work collaboratively to develop, teach, and enforce behavior expectations that ensure a physically, emotionally, and intellectually safe learning environment for all members of the school community. We encourage students to develop the habit of service to others both at school and in the greater community. Diversity is valued at Sunset Lane and bullying is never tolerated.


    The Sunset Lane staff is committed to ensuring the success of every student. Staff members are motivated by shared goals and a common sense of purpose. Every staff member accepts responsibility for every child.

    Community Involvement

    The Sunset Lane community includes teachers, parents and families, and community supporters. Team Seahawk (PTA and Foundation), School Site Council, and the English Language Advisory Committee welcome the involvement of parents and community members in supporting our children.