Test Results

  • Testing results are available via the California Department of Education 's Data Quest website on the Ed Data website.
    The purpose of this notification is to inform you that California’s new multiple measures accountability system is now available on the California Department of Education (CDE) Web site at https://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/cm/. The new system is reported through the California School Dashboard (hereafter referred to as the Dashboard).
    Also available on the CDE Web site is the Five-by-Five Placement Report which can be accessed at https://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/cm/. While the Dashboard displays the Status (current performance), Change (difference from prior performance), and performance level (color) for each state indicator, it does not identify which of the 25 performance results the district, school, or student group received. The Five-by-Five Placement Report identifies the location of the LEA, school, or student group on the five-by-five grid.
    The CDE California Accountability Model & School Dashboard Web page at http://www.cde.ca.gov/dashboard contains five tabs:

    1.  An Overview tab which provides a general overview of the new accountability system, including a five-minute video in both English and Spanish.
    2.  A Parents tab, which includes the five-minute video in both English and Spanish
    3.  A Resources tab containing all of the five-by-five colored tables for each of the state indicators.
    4.  Data Files and Guide tab containing a quick reference guide, an updated technical guide containing calculation methods, and downloadable data files containing the data used for the Dashboard and the Five-by-Five Placement Report. 
    5.  Communications Toolkit tab containing sample materials (such as parent notification letters in multiple languages) that districts and schools can customize for local use.
    There is also a flyer to help communicate the Dashboard to stakeholders and a set of Frequently Asked Questions.
    For more information please visit: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/cm/
    SBAC Information & Practice: Smarter Balanced Assessments