Richman School 2021/2022
Principal: Kristen Holm
School Site Council Approval Date: October 28, 2021
State Program Funds | Estimated Funds
- LCFF Supplemental 302 | $ 217,429
- LCFF Base 304 | $ 91,656
- Instructional Materials 812 | $13,167
Federal Program Funds | Estimated Funds
- Title I Economically Disadvantaged 212 | $230,179
School Mission/Vision
Richman Elementary is a collaborative learning community that values the home-school partnership. We are a school community that empowers students to be creative, thoughtful citizens by promoting a highly engaging, relevant, and rigorous learning environment that encourages critical thinking and creativity. We provide a strong foundation in literacy and communication skills by integrating the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM), as part of the education STEAM pipeline.
Richman Elementary aims to provide all students with an excellent education so that they feel empowered to dream big, discover their passion while developing their potential to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens.
Goal 1
Student Achievement
- By the 3rd trimester, grades K-2 will decrease the percentage of students not meeting grade-level standards by 20% on the FSD Benchmark Assessments. The percentage of students in grades 3-6 scoring below grade level by 1 or 2 years based on the iReady Diagnostic Assessment will decrease by at least 20% from the 2020/2021 school year.
- The percentage of students in grades K-2 scoring in levels 1 and 2 ("not meeting State Standards") on the 2021-22 Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) CAASPP assessment will decrease by a minimum of 10% from the 2018-19 ELA and Mathematics results.
- AMAO1- Increase percent of EL students making annual progress in learning English by 5%
- The percentage of students in grades 3-6 scoring in levels 1 and 2 ("not meeting State Standards") on the 2021-22 Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) CAASPP assessment will decrease by a minimum of 10% from the 2018-19 ELA and Mathematics results.
Major Initiatives, Actions, and Services to Improve Student Achievement
- Curriculum & Instruction
- ELA: Teachers are implementing Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop, novel studies in 3rd-6th grade, guided reading in grades TK-6th grade, on-line resources, and apps (Reading Eggs, RAZ Kids, iReady Reading Lessons, Epic) in addition to Wonders ELD program for grades TK -5th and StudySync for 6th grade. Students in 3rd-6th grade use Jr. Great Books to develop inquiry and critical thinking skills. Teachers use a balanced reading approach: shared reading, interactive read aloud, independent reading, picture book, and participate in March Madness. All classrooms have received a below benchmark Lucy Calkins Classroom Library. Teachers have access to our new Scholastic Book Room that has over 6,240 books of fiction and nonfiction to use for guided reading. Richman also now has a part-time ELA Rti Coach to support students with Reading Comprehension, as well as a full-time LindaMoodBell Rti Coach.
- Mathematics: Teachers use online resources and apps in addition to Eureka Math for grades K through 6th grade while utilizing CGI strategies and incorporating the 6 Mathematical Practices. Students in K – 6th grade use the Simple Solutions Math Program for enrichment. Students that are achieving above grade level in math in 5th/6th grade participate in an after-school enrichment ALEKS math program. Math intervention classes are held after school by each grade level for those students that need extra support. Richman has a full-time Math Rti Coach that works with students that need extra support in math. Students have access to the Reflex Math app (1st-6th grade) and MathSeeds (TK-2nd) and Zearn (2nd-6th).
- Experiential Learning: Grade Levels participate in field trips during the school day to enhance learning and provide hands-on learning.
- Learning Scales
- ELD: Richman has designated ELD time/rotations at each grade level. Teachers have been trained in Wonders ELD Program. Students use RAZ Kids ELL Edition to support reading comprehension and apps on their iPad- Nearpod, Flipgrid, Booksnaps, and Book Creator.
SDAIE Strategies
(RtI)Response to Intervention
STEAM & Dream Center
Reader’s and Writers Workshop
Social Studies
Thinking Maps
PATH Finder
RTI Coaches.
Assistant Principal
Instructional Aides Kindergarten and 1st grade: 50% P.E. Teacher & Two Recreational Aides:
Teacher Collaboration
Release Time: teachers are provided substitutes for the opportunity to complete 1:1 student assessments in Kindergarten- 2nd grade. Also, all grade levels receive release time (2 days) to plan or assess as needed.
GATE Classrooms
Kindergarten Co-Teach
All Classrooms have a classroom library that consists of a minimum of 1,500 books
Goal 2
Digital and Informational literacy
- All Richman students and staff will have access to and demonstrate progress to mastery of 21st-century tools, resources, and skills in support relevant and rigorous learning experiences.
Major Initiatives, Actions, and Services to Improve Student Achievement
- Technology is utilized to enhance student learning in the areas of mathematics, language arts, and science. Programs such iReady, Reflex Math, RAZ Kids Plus, RAZ Kids ELL Edition, Reading Eggs, MathSeeds, ALEKS, Zearn, Wondergrove, and Starfall are utilized in the classroom. Teachers are offered PlayPD with Tech TOSAs and are encouraged to invite Tech TOSAs in their classrooms to model lessons. Students use Booksnaps, Nearpod, Bookmaker, BreakoutEdu, SeeSaw, and robotics in the classroom.
- Richman is 1:1 iPads in grades Kindergarten- 6th grade.
- Every classroom has an Apple TV, 1:1 headphones with microphones, and students in 2nd-6th grade have 1:1 keyboards.
- All classrooms are equipped with a RedCat Microphone System
- Library/Media/Maker Space –recently received $30,000 worth of new books that are diverse and culturally relevant.
- Richman’s STEAM and Dream Lab has four 3D Printers for students to create their models. Dash, Cue, Osmo, Mindcraft robots.
- Robotics Team K-6, E-Sports Team, and Congressional App Challenge Team
- Hydro-garden to promote an eco-friendly environment. Students learn about eco-friendly and sustainable gardening for the 21st Century.
- Anti-Bullying and Cyber Citizenship training is provided in cooperation with the Orange County Department of Education
Goal 3
Safe and Secure Environment
- During the 2021-22 school year, Richman will work to create a safe, positive, welcoming, and eco-friendly learning environment where students are connected to the school and have an increased sense of safety. 100% of Richman students will receive lessons in character development through RACER Expectations and PBIS Rewards Program as measured by teachers' records. In addition, SEL Second Step Program will be implemented TK- 6th grade. Students will receive weekly SEL lessons as determined by grade level pacing guides. Richman will reduce the number of office referrals and suspensions.
Major Initiatives, Actions, and Services to Improve Student Achievement
- Attendance
- SSOAR: Saturday School
- Attendance: Richman strives to meet the FSD goal of 98% attendance.
- PBIS: We have implemented PBIS Rewards. Every student has a lanyard with a badge. School staff is able to award a specific amount of points per student that can later be utilized in the Racers R Us PBIS store.
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Schoolwide Second Step Learning
- Morning Message from the Principal: Every morning a student council rep and the principal greet students with a morning message: Pledge of Allegiance, What’s for Lunch, a quote from 365 Days of Wonder and we give a shout-out to students that are celebrating their birthday.
- Mental Health Intern/Counselor
- Full Time Social Service Assistant
Goal 4
Parent and Community Involvement
- Our goal is to promote positive relationships with parents and have more parent involvement. We will have parents attend meetings and events to provide a variety of opportunities for parent involvement and volunteer opportunities to communicate our goals of increasing students' attendance. We will provide a PBIS-safe school climate through training, school implementation, assemblies as well as provide behavior supports through the use of counselors and training.
Major Initiatives, Actions, and Services to Improve Student Achievement
- School Activities
- 4th grade Richman Hockey Team
- Weekly Awards Assemblies, Jog-a-Thon
- K-6 Robotics Club, Garden Club
- Speech and Debate Team (4th-6th)
- STAGE (3rd-6th grade), Folklorico (1st – 6th grade), Marathon Kids- (K-6)
- Student Council, Patriot’s Day Assembly
- Character of the Month Assembly
- Opportunities for All Parents: Richman School provides opportunities for all parents to participate. Meetings are held in both English and/or Spanish and all forms (informational materials and reports) are provided in both English, Spanish and Korean. Translators are available for conferences as needed.
- Community resources and organizations (i.e. St. Jude, Family Resource Center, Fullerton Collaborative, Pathways of Hope) provide guest speakers to inform our parents and families of the available programs.
- Anti-Bullying and Cyber Citizenship
- Back to School Night, Open House, Awards Assemblies, Grade Level Family Training Opportunities, and PTA events like Free Movie Night are provided.
- Fall Festival provides a community celebration and serves as a PTA fundraiser also.
- Blackboard Connect Ed
- Social Media, Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences, Advisory and Advocacy Roles
- Parent Participation, Parent Volunteers
- Monthly PTA Meetings, Parent Greeters
- Monthly Parent Coffees, ELAC and DELAC Meetings, School Site Council Meetings
- Activities to Support Learning at Home
- Family Nights – Literacy Night
- Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning
- Family Math Night
- Family Art Night