Resource List
Fullerton Public Library
Books lists are organized by grade level, genre, and award-winning titles.
California Department of Education, 2013, Recommended Literature List
Recommended Literature: Prekindergarten Through Grade Twelve is a searchable database of books for children and teens which helps students, teachers, and families find books that entertain, inform, and explore new ideas and experiences. Each book has a description called an “annotation” that explains what the book is about. The annotation can help with deciding if the title is interesting and appropriate to read.
California Department of Education, Literature Links
Recommended books from a variety of sources such as California Young Reader Medal, Carnegie Public Library Children’s Booklist, Boston and New York Public Libraries, Notable Children’s Literature lists…
Common Core Appendix B, Text Exemplars and Performance Task Samples, K-12
This is not a partial or complete reading list, however, it is a guidepost for the text types required by the Common Core State Standards, by grade level. The Exemplars provide text samples that show the level of complexity and quality that the Standards require of all students in a given grade band. Additionally, they are suggestive of the breadth of texts students should become familiar with emphasizing non-fiction works.
Khan Academy
Learn for free about math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more…
Español Publica de Fullerton
Las listas estan organizadas por grado, tema, y titulos ganadores.
Departamento de Educacion de California, 2013, Lista Recomendada de Literatura
Literatura Recomendada: PreKinder al Docimo Grado es una base de datos de libros para niños y adolecentes que les ayuda a estudiantes, maestros, y familiars encontrar libros que entretienen, informan, y exploran nuevas ideas y experiencias. Cada libro tiene una descripcion llamada “annotation” que esplica de que se trata el libro. El “annotation les ayuda decider si el titulo es interesante y appropiado para leer.
Departamento de Educacion de California , Vinculos de Literatura
Libros recomendados de una variedad de recursos como el “California Young Reader Medal, Carnegie Public Library Children’s Booklist, Boston and New York Public Libraries, Notable Children’s Literature” lists…
Common Core Appendix B, Text Exemplars and Performance Task Samples, K-12
Esta no es una lista parcial o complete de lectura, pero es una guia requerida del Common Core Estandares del Estado, por nivel de grado. Los ejemplos proven los requisites que los estudiantes requieren para su nivel academic.
Academia Khan
Aprende gratis en Matematicas, arte, programacion de computacioin, economia, fisica, quimica, biologia, medicina, financias, historia, y mucho mas…