

Degrees and Certifications:

Multiple Subject Teaching Credential Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies

Mrs. Sara Quam

My name is Sara Quam, and I am the RtI ELA Teacher. I am very excited about beginning my 4th year here at Laguna Road Elementary. I graduated from California State University, Long Beach with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Liberal Studies and a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. I was inspired to become a teacher because of my Aunt who is now a retired 6th grade teacher. Seeing how much she loved working with students, I pursued a path in education as well. I now get to teach students how to become better readers by learning new skills and strategies in the foundations of reading. It makes my heart so happy seeing struggling readers begin to flourish into fluent readers. It is very fulfilling being able to help these students who may have reading difficulties because I was once in their shoes. 

My favorite things are listening to music, playing the guitar, tending to my garden, going on walks, and feeding my outdoor birds. You can also find me hanging out with my husband and our two cats, Kidden and Penny. We both love going hiking, trying new foods, and recently playing pinball.