

Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. Child Development Minor in Natural Sciences Masters in Curriculum and Instruction Teaching Credential Advanced GATE certificate

Mrs. Poggio

Hi there! 

My name is Mrs. Poggio, and I am thrilled to be teaching the 5th grade GATE class this year. 

This is my 12th year teaching, 1th year at Sunset Lane, and 10th year teaching 5th grade GATE! I am very excited to work, grow, and have fun with our wonderful classroom of students this year! I also serve as the Student Council Advisor for Sunset Lane. I am confident this year will be full of magical experiences and wonderful memories. 

In my "spare" time, who am I kidding, there is no spare time! I have a 4.5 year old daughter (Melody) and 6 month-old son (Jake). We enjoy swimming, going to Disneyland, reading books, going to San Diego, and just spending time together!

Should you need to contact me, please do so via email and I will happily and promptly respond as soon as I can!

Here's to a wonderful school year!