
    Algebra image


    Algebra textbook

    1. click on the book above
      (link to my.hrw.com)
    2. username : full email
    3. password : email pw

    Downloading to Notability:

    1. log in (use Safari)
    2. select "Student Edition & Resources"
    3. select the desired Module
    4. click the "send to icon" (blue box with arrow pointing up)
    5. select Notability
    6. select "Create a New Note"
    7. click "Import"

    Google Classroom

    Period 1: xcbo3ji

    Period 2: fj7sisl

    Period 5: fjjnhhc


    Period 1:  QB42-W45G

    Period 2:  7PP5-G8P4

    Period 5: BL8U-6UP8

    Khan Academy

    Period 1: HT7ZE3YH

    Period 2:  3QRF6X9D

    Period 5: B22Q4V2W


    ALL homework problems must be attempted. Here are some suggestions to get help when you are not in math class.

    • show evidence of your attempts to solve the problem
    • use the Interactive Lessons on HMH Player
    • review your notes
    • reread the examples from the lesson
    • find a video explanation on Khan Academy
    • Google the topic
    • YouTube the topic
    • ask a friend
    • make an appointment to meet with Mrs. Kim 

    You have reached mastery when you can confidently explain and teach the concept to someone else.