
    Sex Education is a required unit for all 7th grade students here at Parks Jr. High and will be taught during Health Class.  It will be the last unit covered in each semester which means the unit will begin in November during 1st Semester and April during 2nd Semester.  At that time, parents will be able to Opt Out their child if they feel uncomfortable with the unit or specific lessons.  Mr. Sonny will notify parents before the unit begins and will also be sending home a paper that will let the parents know the exact date of when the Sex Ed Unit will begin.  Information will also be sent out in regards to the videos that will be shown and a video from Mr. Sonny going over the lessons and frequently asked questions by parents.

    Sex Ed Weekly Lessons

    WEEK 1:

    1.  Boy to Man/Girl to Woman (Videos)

    2.  Human Reproduction (Video)

    3.  Male/Female Anatomy

    4.  Menstrual Cycle

    5.  Fetal Development

    WEEK 2:

    6.  Life Cycle/Twins/Pregnancy Problems

    7.  Human Heredity

    8.  Genetic Disease

    9.  District Mandated Suicide Lesson

    10. Reasons Teenagers Have Sex

    WEEK 3:

    11.  Teen Pregnancy

    12.  Rape/Date Rape/Sexual Harassment

    13.  Sex in Advertising

    14.  Sexually Transmitted Infections

    15.  STI’s continued (Video)

    WEEK 4:

    16.  HIV/AIDS

    17.  STI/AIDS Experiment (Video)

    18.  Abstinence/Assertive Techniques/Contraception (Required by SB71)

    19.  Sexual Orientation /Gender Identity/Healthy Relationships (AB 329)

    20.  Prepare for Health Test #3


    *A Question Box is used during this unit for students who are apprehensive about asking questions in front of other people.  The students can write the questions down, anonymously, and place them into the box where they will be answered at the end of each week.  Only appropriate questions will be answered.